Our Annual General Meting will be held immediately prior to our October Monthly Meeting
From 7:00 pm until 7:30 pm
At Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre
Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists
The Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thurs. October 20, 2022 at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre. The AGM will start at 7:00pm followed by our regular meeting at about 7:30pm. Please be prepared to come at this earlier time so that we have a quorum for the AGM. Our regular monthly meeting will begin at the conclusion of the AGM, with our guest speaker Nature Photographer Jason George giving his presentation “An Introduction to Nature”.
All paid up members are eligible to vote to accept reports and elect the Executive Committee for the next nine months. Our last AGM was in June 2019, so this meeting will act as a catch up for the years when such a gathering was not possible due to the pandemic. Our next AGM will be held in June 2023 and a new Executive voted in at that time.
After serving as President for several years Susan Hirst is ready to step down. Susan will continue on the board as Past President. Our current VP Bob Codd has agreed to stand for President. Our Secretary Heather Gray-Toner and our Treasurer Susan MacDonald have both agreed to continue in those roles.
We are currently looking for a vice-president, as well as members-at-large who will have the opportunity to get to know what the Executive does and contribute ideas and comments.
Remember, the club is run on people power!! Please consider running or nominating another promising club member. Send names to Brian Bissell, our current Past President, who has agreed to handle nominations. Email Brian at [email protected].
If anyone is not sure of their membership status for this meeting, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll let you know where you stand. 2022 memberships were due on Jan. 1, 2022. Membership fees for next year 2023 will come due on Jan. 1, 2023.